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Student Government Association

We stand in complete solidarity with the Black community at Loyola, in Minnesota, and across the nation in the fight for racial justice.

Mission Statement:

Loyola University New Orleans’ Student Government Association promises to promote student welfare, establish an effective and representative student leadership body, exchange transparent ideas between students and the administration, advocate for student interest and needs, encourage students to be educated on important issues that impact our university, and to assume our position in SGA with the fullest power, and responsibility to lead a trustworthy self-government.


Loyola University Student Government Association is an autonomous entity and operates in the form and standing of a university department. It is the principle representative voice of the student body that protect student rights, articulate student responsibilities, assist in the establishment, formation, and application of institutional policy and procedure, aid in the academic and social development, grant charter recognition to student organizations, budget and allocate the revenue received from student fees for student services and organizations and provide those services which are deemed useful and necessary to the student body.


Our vision is to enhance students daily experience by improving conditions that lead to student success and preserving student rights. In addition to maintaining collaborative professional relationships with faculty and administrators and advocating student perspectives that are considered at University decision makings.

Equity & Inclusion Committee: 

Student Government Association’s Equity and Inclusion committee serves as a liaison between students, Loyola offices and departments as well as university administration to promote equity and advocate for initiatives that promote an inclusive campus. The committee will plan programs highlighting equity issues and educate participants in how to be change agents. Interested in being on the Equity and Inclusion Committee? Please email us at

The University Programming Board

The University Programming Board (UPB) is the official programming board under the Student Government Association for Loyola University New Orleans. UPB is a student led programming board that is dedicated to the coordination and implementation of campus-wide events that are educational, social, and entertaining. Some of these events include Third Fridays, Sneaux, Crawfish in the Quad, Countdown to Carnival, bingo, and paint nights. These events not only give students the opportunity to engage with each other, but also fosters a sense of belonging at Loyola and university traditions. UPB strives to develop experiences that meet the needs of Loyola students with an executive board of student programmers.