Key Travel Dates & Information
There are a number of periods during the year when regular classes are suspended for more than a day. The residence halls close completely during some breaks and are open for others. For information about specific dates, please see Loyola's Academic Calendar.
“Fall Break”
Fall Break occurs in early- to mid-October, and is a short break from classes that usually coincides with mid-term exams. The residence halls remain fully open and most dining operations maintain regular hours over the extended weekend. Some students take advantage of the long weekend to take a trip home for the first time, while others take the opportunity to explore New Orleans and the surrounding areas.
If you and your roommate are both leaving, you will need to remove all of the trash, unplug everything except fish tanks and refrigerators, turn your air conditioning to a low setting, close the windows and blinds, and lock your door on your way out.
Application to Stay: Click Here!
“Thanksgiving Break”
Thanksgiving Break typically begins on the Tuesday night before Thanksgiving. Students are required to attend classes on the Monday and Tuesday prior to the national holiday, and are given the rest of the week off. The residence halls remain fully open, but some students take advantage of the long weekend to take a trip home for the first time. Most of the on-campus dining services are suspended over the break, and all services will be closed on Thanksgiving day with the exception of one meal served by Residential Life. Students who stay for the break need to plan accordingly.
If you and your roommate are both leaving, you will need to remove all of the trash, unplug everything except fish tanks and refrigerators, turn your air conditioning to a low setting, close the windows and blinds, and lock your door on your way out.
Application to Stay: Click Here!
“Winter Break”
Winter Break marks the end of the fall semester, so most students take the opportunity to vacation away from New Orleans before preparing for the start of the spring term. Winter Break typically starts on the Saturday morning after the last day of finals. The residence halls close after the end of final examinations. All of the on-campus dining services typically close on the last day of finals, which is usually on Friday. There are no on-campus dining options during the Winter Break.
All students are required to vacate the residence hall within 24 hours of their last final exam, or by the official closing time, whichever comes first.
“Mardi Gras Break”
Mardi Gras is a very unique experience, and Fat Tuesday plays an especially exciting role in New Orleans culture. Classes are suspended anywhere from two days to one week for the city-wide celebration. The entire city and surrounding areas are inundated with people from all around the world, and as a result safety becomes a special concern for the extended weekend.
The university suspends normal visitation privileges for all residential students. All overnight guests must preregister and pay a special Mardi Gras housing fee. For more information, please visit the Mardi Gras Break page.
Application to Host: Click Here!
“Spring Break”
College Spring Break is made infamous by countless movies and television shows on the subject. In reality, Spring Break is almost no different than Thanksgiving break, and usually coincides with mid-terms and the Easter holiday. Students may register to stay in the residence halls, but the university is otherwise closed on Good Friday, and campus services, including dining services, may be unavailable during the remainder of the break.
If you and your roommate are both leaving, you will need to remove all of the trash, unplug everything except fish tanks and refrigerators, turn your air conditioning to a low setting, close the windows and blinds, and lock your door on your way out.
Application to Stay: Click Here!
“Spring & Summer Closing”
Spring Closing marks the end of the regular academic year.
Summer Closing marks the end of a student's time in summer school housing.
Every residence hall completely closes down for both Spring and Summer Closings and all residents are required to move out of their room for the year. Residents will sign up for a checkout time with their Resident Assistant and complete the formal check-out documentation prior to leaving for the summer, including turning in their room keys.
All students are required to vacate the residence hall within 24 hours of their last final exam, or by the official closing time, whichever comes first.
For more information, please visit the Spring & Summer Closing page.
Application for Summer Housing: Click Here!