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Law School Ministries

Ministry at the Law School seeks to provide spiritual services to the Law School community. To do this, Student Life and Ministry offers a wide range of events and services to the faculty, students, and staff of the Law School.

Mass in Martha and Mary Chapel

Located on the first floor of Greenville Hall, the Chapel of Martha and Mary hosts Masses every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. and on holy days of obligation when classes are in session.

Interfaith Prayer Room

Located on the third floor of the Law Library, this intimate space is open to individuals and small groups on a first come, first served basis (no reservations accepted) for prayer and meditation. 

Recent Events

  • An Evening with Archbishop Aymond
  • Peanut Butter and Prayer - Box lunches distributed during Finals in the Fall and Spring
  • The Red Mass (October)
  • Law Graduation Mass (May)
  • Day of Service


  • Law School Orientation: An Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality and the Spirit of Jesuit Education.
  • SBA Student Leaders Meetings: A reflection on the dignity of the human person as well as information about the life and teachings of St. Ignatius are presented at meetings throughout the year and before all SBA meetings.
  • Law and Spirituality: Presentations throughout the year where speakers (usually attorneys) share how they integrate their spirituality with their practice of the law.

Student Services

  • Food Pantry: Offers temporary help for students who are having a financial difficulty. Non-perishable food is available for you on a short term basis for to prepare at home. Contact or go to BAC 102 . Requests are confidential. For help with your food budget on a longer basis, please come to BAC 102, to learn about another resource that is available.

  • Donated Books/Study Guides: In conjunction with the SBA, materials are available for you in LS 115 on a first come basis.

Service Opportunities

  • Advent Angel Program: Advent Angel Program works in conjunction with the LA State Bar Association Secret Santa Program. Law faculty, staff, and students work together to purchase and wrap gifts for children in need to receive at Christmas.

  • Donation Drives: Donation drives, co-sponsored by various law school organizations, are held throughout the year for the benefit of many local communities. If you wish to sponsor a donation drive, please come to BAC 102.

  • Service Projects: In addition to donation drives, Student Life and Ministry helps the various student organizations to arrange service projects for their group. Organizations often plan opportunities for you to serve the homeless, mentor children who attend Good Shepherd School in New Orleans, and run in or volunteer to help with Race Judicata to benefit the children of Boys Hope Girls Hope of New Orleans.