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Information for Faculty and Staff

Concerned about a student? Immediate help is available 24/7/365.

Call 504-865-3835 and press 1 to speak to the counselor on-call. During office hours, the UCC front desk can be reached at 504-865-3835.

When to refer:

The health and well-being of our students is our top priority. Please refer students to the UCC if you notice any of the following changes in mood or behavior:

  • Anxiety or depression
  • References to suicide
  • Violence and aggression
  • Alcohol and other drug abuse
  • Excessive absences
  • Significant changes in alertness, weight, or hygiene
  • Crying in class
  • Panic attacks
  • Bizarre behavior, speech, or thought patterns
  • Troubling e-mails, texts, social media posts or other personal communications
  • A student expresses concerns to you about a peer

You can also refer students for ADHD screening, referrals for specialized treatment, or help applying for health care or social services.

For accommodations related to disabilities, please refer students to the Office for Accessible Education.

How to refer:

  • Take a direct approach.
  • Express concern for the student’s welfare.
  • Anticipate some concerns about seeking counseling.
  • Create a positive expectation.
  • If possible, sit with the student while they make the appointment

To make an appointment, students can call 504-865-3835.

Example: “I’ve noticed that you’ve missed class twice this week and you look like you’ve been crying today. I’m worried about you, and I’d like you to consider making an appointment with the University Counseling Center. I know it can be scary to get help, but the counselors there are very welcoming and professional, and everything is confidential. Do you want to call right now and make an appointment?”

Be sure to follow-up with the student after the appointment.

What if the student doesn’t want counseling?

Students have a right to refuse counseling. If you are concerned about a student who seems unwilling to get help, consider making a report to the Behavioral Intervention Team. Feel free to consult with one of our clinicians by calling 504-865-3835 and scheduling a faculty consultation.

Additional Resources: