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Educational Courses

Your college experience should be one of the most memorable of your life. During this time, you will learn more about your gifts and talents and how to use them productively. You also will discover more about yourself as a whole person - your thoughts, ideas, needs, wants, and beliefs. You will find many opportunities and challenges along the way, and you need sound information to make healthy decisions.

Developed by student affairs professionals, VectorSolutions is a comprehensive program designed to inform students about how to minimize the risks associated with alcohol, drugs, and sexual assault.

The VectorSolutions modules are mandatory courses for all on-ground incoming, transfer, and readmitted students. Students are assigned their course and must complete it by the deadline. Failure to complete these courses can result in a registration hold, possible conduct charges, and punitive fines.


Virtual Modules

AlcoholEdu for College 

This course is designed for students entering college. It provides foundational education about alcohol and other substances, helping students build skills to keep themselves and others safe, correcting misperceptions about drinking, and supporting a healthy campus community. 

AlcoholEdu for Sanctions

This course takes a public health approach to preventing alcohol abuse. This course has been proven to reduce negative consequences associated with underage drinking and empowers students to make safer and healthier decisions about alcohol.

Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates 

Title IX and Clery Act training engages students in fostering healthy relationships and preparing them to recognize and respond to sexual assault and harassment when it occurs.

Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention

Knowledge, skills, and tools to help students make healthy, informed decisions about prescription medications.

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging for Students

This diversity orientation will introduce university and college students to key concepts within the diversity and inclusion space. Concepts such as inclusion, power, privilege, identities, and communication are covered, as well as strategies related to ally behavior, self-care, and creating inclusive spaces. The course will communicate and provide tools to help students meet expectations of being engaged members of a diverse and inclusive community.